Kolo's Commissions

Hi there! I'm Donovan, also known as Kolo. I'm 20 and I love drawing!!


  • Bust - €8

  • Half Body - €12

  • Full Body - €15

  • Extra characters in image cost +75%

  • Colour +€5



  • Bust - €15

  • Half Body - €30

  • Full Body - €50

  • Extra characters in image cost +75%


Rough Render

  • Bust - €25

  • Half Body - €40

  • Full Body - €60

  • Extra characters in image cost +75%



Without Background

  • Bust - €35

  • Half Body - €60

  • Full Body - €100

  • Extra characters in image cost +75%

With Background

  • +€20-€100 based on complexity


Will Draw

  • Fandom

  • OCs

  • Humans

  • Furry

  • Ships

  • Nsfw*

*Nsfw commissions will have special terms, message me for details (Eg. both character and commissioner must be 18+)

Won't Draw

  • Detailed gore (light is fine)

  • Complex robotics

  • Ships that are minor/adult, siblings, erasure, etc.

  • Precise likeliness to real people



  • I can deny any commission.

  • I can use the piece drawn as example work.

  • Unless you explicitly ask me not to, I can post the art.


  • Smaller pieces can be done in a few days, while bigger pieces can take up to multiple weeks. Please be patient!


  • Complex designs or big changes to a piece at the end may result in additional charges.

  • Payment is through paypal in euros.

  • I prefer payment first but I can accept it afterwards; I won't send you the finished piece until I receive it.

  • I can do a partial refund if I'm not yet finished based on how much of the drawing I've completed.

  • USAGE:

  • Feel free to use/post your commission anywhere, as long as you credit and link to me.

  • If you want to use the piece as a header/icon, you are allowed to filter or edit it as you wish to match with your theme/aesthetic. Still credit me though !

  • If you commission me and change your design, if it's something small and easy to change, contact me! If it's not a difficult to draw change, I might be able to do it for free.

Where to find me:

Contact me!

Thank you!